Pay Tribute
Warden J. Cleveland
ALMA, Nov. 9, 1951- (Special) – People from all over the province filled
the Alma Baptist Church to overflowing this afternoon to final tribute to Warden Judson A. Cleveland, member of the Albert
County council for 59 years. His sudden passing, Tuesday, had ended
the longest record of consecutive public service in the Empire – Commonwealth. Undaunted by his 83 years, he had been
just re-elected warden. He has, however, been confined to his home by illness for the past month. Rev. Stewart Lynn, pastor of Alma United Baptist Church, conducted the service. He called Mr Cleveland
a challenge to the living, pointing to the fact that, even at his advanced age, his mind was keen and alert, far outdistancing
the ability of his body and heart to keep up the pace. Mr.
Lynn was assisted by Rev. Herbert Wilkes, pastor of Alma United Church of Canada. Scripture lessons, read by Mr. Wilkes, were
the 23rd Psalm and Romans 8. Hymns were sung by the Albert-Hopewell
male quartet (Clarence Tingley, Everett Newcombe, Vernon Hudson and Arthur Hudson), “Crossing the Bar” “The
Many Mansions,” “Christian’s Good Night.” They were accompanied at the organ by A. R. Stiles, Riverside.
Members of the Masonic Order, all of whom acted as flower-bearers
attended in a body. The pallbearers were Purdy Ross, Lester Dickson, Leslie Hoar, Samuel McKinley, Fred Kierstead and Stanley
Alcorn. The many beautiful flowers provided a vivid reminder of the
high place Mr. Cleveland had won for himself in the life of the county and, indeed, the province. Among those received were
from Historical Society of Albert County; Loyal Orange Lodge No. 42, Alma; Alma Baptist Sunday School; Albert sub-division
of the Board of Health; congregation of Alma United Church; Alma Superior School; Municipal Council of Albert County and the
Albert Lodge No. 34, F. and M. Burial was in the Alma Cemetery. Mrs.
Olav Bratelli, of Alma, Daughter of the deceased, and one son, Dr. T. K. Cleveland, of Berkeley, Calif, were present. Two brothers James and Victor, both of Beverley, Mass., attended the service.
Another brother David is living in Southern Rhodesia. Three grandchildren,
Joel Mitton, who recently enlisted in the Air Force and is stationed at St. John’s Que., and Karen and Judson Bratelli,
of Alma, were present. Three others, Janet and David Cleveland, of Berkeley, Calif and Sergeant Albert Cleveland, stationed
with the United States Air Force in Guam, were unable to be present owing to distance.
Submitted by: Lawrence (Larry) Hughes
Transcribed by: Jim Oswald Thank you
Albert County Loses Esteemed Citizen by Death
William H. Martin Succumbs to Long Illness Occupied Prominent place
in Community
Sep. 5--(Special)--The community of Albert was saddened Saturday, Sept. 3, when William H. Martin passed away in the McCleland
Memorial hospital. Riverside. While his death was wholly unexpected as he had been in poor health for some months, it came
with the shock that always accompanies the loss of a public-spirited man. Born in New Ireland in 1879, in Harvey parish,
he was the eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Greenlict R. Martin. In 1900 he engaged in the lumber business and as
a merchant at Waterside, selling out thirteen years later to C. T. White & Son. He served as County Councillor and
Customs Inspector in the parish of Harvey from 1910 to 1924. Removing to Albert in 1922 he carried on in the district
in the lumber and automobile businesses. Always occupying a prominent place in community affairs he held many positions of
municipal and political importance. For many years he was Justice of the Peace, Chairman of the School Board and Chairman
of the Conservative Committee. He executed the duties of the various offices with qualities of diplomacy, kindness and sincerity
that won the admiration of all that knew him. The loss of this talented and fair-minded gentleman will be felt in the county
for years to come while his memory will always be held in the highest esteem.
Submitted by: Lawrence (Larry) Hughes
Transcribed by: Jim Oswald Thank you